Castello di Ama: L’Apparita Retrospective 1985-2009 (Jun 2013)

The 2007 L’Apparita is a bit richer and deeper than the 2009, but it never loses its essential personality. Hints of tertiary complexity are just beginning to develop now that the 2007 has been in bottle for a few years, but the wine is in an in between stage where it is neither young nor mature. Tobacco, wild flowers and menthol are some of the many nuances that emerge over time, but today the 2007 isn’t quite ready to show all of its cards. Personally, I would wait a few years more. This is a stunning Apparita from Castello di Ama. Even though 2007 is regarded as warm vintage, this fruit did not come in until September 17, slightly late by Ama’s historical standards.